Honey: Lebanon’s Golden Elixir

Honey is one of the natural delicacies, whose associations go beyond its use as a food. Long believed to be an amulet with therapeutic, aphrodisiac and spiritual qualities, honey has been cited in most of the religious books. In Greek mythology, honey was considered one of the foods of the Gods that is consumed to achieve immortality. A cave painting in Valencia, Spain proves that the art of beekeeping or apiculture began at least 8,000 years ago.

Due to its different altitudes extending from 0 to 3,000 meters, its location on the Mediterranean, its 4 distinct seasons, and the variety of its plants, flowering season occurs almost all year long in Lebanon. This has made Lebanon one of the few countries where bees forage natural sources of nectar through out the year, enabling the production of a wide variety of honey, each with its unique aromas and virtues.

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