Total Number of Registered New Cars Slumped by 73.7% to 5,513 by September 2020

The Association of Car Importers in Lebanon (denoted as AIA) recently shared its automotive report in which it explains that “As a result of the dramatic Beirut Port Explosion on 4/8/2020, the damages that importers of new cars incurred in the properties are estimated at tens of millions of dollars which will lead to the closing down of a number of companies and to the licensing of a large number of their employees and workers”.

The decreasing value of Lebanese pound against the US dollars led to a deterioration in Lebanese purchasing power and a general drop in imports, especially for the car sector. Further, Lebanese people are prioritizing their expenses, as changing or buying a new car is not an easy option anymore, noting also that Lebanese banks are not providing loans to customers.

In details, the total number of newly registered commercial and passenger cars slumped by 73.7% year-on-year (y-o-y) to 5,513 cars by September 2020. Moreover, the number of registered Passengers cars and Commercial cars witnessed a drop of 74.10% and 66.45% y-o-y to reach 5,146 and 367 cars by the month of September 2020.

The report also showcases the consequent drop in taxes paid by the Car Importer companies. The taxes fell from $265M in 2018 to less than $33M in 2020 paid to the State treasury. Noting that AIA is expecting more deterioration in car sales in the coming months.

It is worth mentioning that the AIA refrained from sharing detailed statistics on the sales of cars, but emphasized the above clarifications regarding the industry.

Growth of Registered Commercial and Passengers Cars by September

Total Number of Registered New Cars Slumped by 73.7% to 5,513 by September 2020

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