BDL Foreign Assets Down by 7.64% YTD to $34.42B in April 2020

According to the central bank’s (BDL) balance sheet, total assets recorded an increase by 5.31% since year-start, to stand at $148.86B in April 2020. In fact, this can be mainly attributed to the rise in “Gold” account (10.65% of total asset) by 13.73% to reach $15.85B in April 2020.

BDL foreign assets (constituting 23.12% of total assets) recorded a year to date decline by 7.64% ($2.85B) to reach $34.42B in April 2020. In fact, BDL is holding $5B of Lebanese Eurobonds. Moreover $20.9B are “usable liquidity” of which $18B are banks mandatory reserves. The remaining $8.49B is loans to local financial sector in Foreign Currency.

 Meanwhile, BDL’s Securities portfolio (25.84%of total assets) added 1.25% year-to-date (YTD) to settle at $38.46B in April 2020. In their turn, Loans to the local financial sector in LBP (9.92% of total assets) witnessed a downtick by 1.21% to $14.76B in April 2020.

On the liabilities side, Financial Sector Deposits (75.88% of BDL’s total liabilities) rose by  0.84% YTD to settle at $112.95B in April 2020, while Public sector deposits (2.94% of total liabilities) decreased by 19.69% YTD to stand at $4.37B over the same period, as the government was withdrawing these deposits to cover its budget deficit.  Worth mentioning that Currency in Circulation outside BDL (6.99% of BDL’s total liabilities) rose by 48.58% YTD to stand at $10.41B in April 2020. In fact, the increase in Currency in circulation is due to the BDL increase in money supply, following a series of circulars allowing depositors with foreign currency accounts to withdraw cash in Lebanese lira at market rate.

BDL Foreign and Total Assets in April

BDL Foreign Assets Down by 7.64% YTD to $34.42B in April 2020

Source: BDL

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